May 4, 2013

Publishes to a "BärReport" of teddy bear magazine .

I had not thought that such a day came to me....
I am  a not much famous teddy bear artist in Japan. The order of my work rather comes in unexpectedly from the United States and Europe.
I think to it that a Japanese teddy bear magazine is only one volume probably published at the association. Although there were two or more volumes in in the past, it declined unawares.
However, in countries other than Japan, there are two or more magazines about a teddy bear.
I think it is very enviable.


This time, I was published at the teddy bear magazine of Germany which is the home of a teddy bear. The name is "BärReport". Please visit a website, if interested in you. It is a teddy bear magazine whose amount of information is abundant and very useful.

Web Site of BärReport URL

This printing was unexpected for me. There are many teddy bear artists and it has wonderful technology and design nature. I am still developing, and the participation in a competition etc. only participated in the competition of France last year once, and is in others almost no... When perusing my work, they are only Facebook, a website, and this blog.
"BärReport" found me out from such inside. There, it is a big support of them who were taking charge of deep gratitude and edit. I borrow this place and thank you for them from the bottom of my heart.

Thank you for ...
Karin Bruns (BärReport,Chefredakteurin)
and Special Staffs!!!
Flücken Biggi
Winfried Kaspar

Hideki Saito